Sunday, December 11, 2011

Posted on Twitter: "Nonviolent Protest Ends In Death"

...So Gingrich thinks the Palestinians are just an "Invented People." Try telling that to the family of Mustafa Tamimi, who was shot and killed at close range by a tear gas canister fired by one of the soldiers of the invented State of Israel ... or to the members of thousands of families of other Palestinians shot, beaten, tortured, or killed by that "invented" State! Will the U.S. rever stop supporting oppressors rather than the oppressed???

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quick Comments

1- Doesn't all of the U.S. rhetoric about Iran sound very familiar to the rhetoric about Iraq before Bush invaded it, resulting in his responsibility for hundreds of thousands of deaths, or woundings, or home destructions, or imprisonments, or tortures!?

2- The world needs MORE alliances of countries that will NOT allow the U.S. military & "intelligence" to run roughshod through their countries, but will stand up to the world's bully & briber!

3- I like BRICS: an economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China, & South Africa.

4- U.S.: Stop talking about "democracy" when you are interfering in everybody else's election & won't even honor the right of EVERY adult American to vote!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Steady Rise of Assassinations by U.S. Drones

Is the U.S. public aware that dozens of secret government agencies & corporate entities working with them are spending in the TRILLIONS of dollars in taxpayer money for assassinations around the world, often by unmanned drones, & that this money is hidden under the categories of "national defense" or "law enforcement?"

In their 2011 book, "Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State," Washington Post writers, Dana Priest & William Arkin, who have long connections to the U.S. military & "security" agencies, are supportive of them, & take their word about who are "the bad guys," nevertheless, document in detail the increasing thirst for & action in, using drones & other means to assassinate people in various countries.

The authors have a couple telling quotes, such as one senior officer stating that "The Department of Defense is no longer a war fighting organization, it's a business enterprise," & another describing the U.S. intelligence-security world as "a living, breathing organism." And it is chilling to read how people using our taxpayer dollars can calmly sit at a computer & kill people thousands of miles away, as though it was all a video game.

With increasing repression of dissidents, like of those in the "Occupy" protests, how long will it be before drones are used to kill people in the U.S.? Already, many "law enforcement" entities are using them or requesting them for surveillance!

All this & The drone assassinations this past week that inflamed the Pakistanis should make Americans start to give a damn about fixing our $14 TRILLION NATIONAL DEBT problem by demanding that ALL assassinations stop & that ALL the funding cutbacks be to the military-intelligence-security monster!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

More hypocrisy

Three items in the news today which illustrate the continued hypocrisy of the world's only two nations that are not forced to be accountable for any of their continued acts of aggression, the U.S. & Israel:

1- Israel threatens to cut off water & power to the Gaza strip if the Palestinian parties: Fatah & Hamas unite. Of course the U.S. will support them if they starve the 1.5 million Palestinians in the Israeli "prison camp" called the Gaza Strip.

2- In Pakistan, NATO (i.e. the U.S.), again killed "the wrong people," & Pakistan wants the U.S. military to leave the offending base in 15 days. Ha! Just like with the point below, money (or the threatened withdrawal of it) will solve anything for the killer "good guys."

3- Well over 4,000 "Occupy" protesters have been arrested & thousands more brutalized by the enforcers of the 1%'s laws, while trying to exercise their Constitutional rights. Many have had their property trashed and stolen by the cops. Yet there is no problem with the ruling class lying, cheating, & stealing to buy their elections, & then claim that "the public" elected them. They can speak, assemble, & occupy whatever they damn well please & call it democracy!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Two thoughts on current concerns...

1- With the non-stop month of holiday commercialism beginning this week with "Black Friday" (which capitalism has made "black" everyday in the lives of millions of Americans), I again watched Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story," which was released in 2010, long before the 'Occupy' movement started across the country. He says in the film what I have said for years... the rich elite ruling this country will keep robbing from the poor to give more to themselves until the poor stand up to them with action, like with OWS! Is the Federal Gov't using the FBI & "law enforcement" to intimidate & destroy the movement? You can be damn sure they are ... in fact a trademark of the FBI is to infiltrate all "left of center" groups, carry out some extreme actions (like vandalism, theft, & "unsanitary" acts), to turn the public against them, & then open the door to wholesale arrests, brutality, & even murder by any in "law enforcement."

2- These "new sanctions" on Iran over their alleged nuclear weapons program is the height of hypocrisy. What 2 countries already have more nuclear weapons than the whole world combined AND militaries that have no qualms about invading or bombing whoever they damn well please? The U.S. & Israel, of course!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SCREAMING the Obvious

Why haven't nations and citizens of the world been SCREAMING about
what has been obvious for decades about the Palestinian-Israeli situation? The United States can NEVER be the "mediator" in a "peace process," because a "mediator" by its very definition is one who is neutral. The U.S. never was, is, or will be neutral, so to let this farce continue year after year while the Palestinians suffer horrors day after day is ludicrous!

The PRIMARY client of the U.S. in the world is Israel and it has been pouring billions of dollars into Israel's military personnel and weapons
year after year ... personnel and weapons that are used AGAINST the Palestinians! The U.S., then, has been acting like a "prosecuting attorney"
against an "accused person," either one who has NO attorney, or; as really
happens in the American "justice" system; as a "public defender" who is really working with the prosecution to "sell out" his own client!

Thus, the obvious need for the Palestinians is to have an "attorney," an
advocate, to represent THEM, and them ALONE; namely, a country or group of countries that will stand up to the "prosecution," the U.S., and which carries some clout.

Here are MY suggestions of who the Palestinians should approach:

1) China - The world's 2nd economic power, 1st in population, among the
top in miliary power, and most importantly the LARGEST HOLDER OF U.S.
DEBT. They, therefore, would have a bargaining chip in negotiations with the U.S. and Israel.

2) The block of 122 nations who supported the anti-Israeli settlement
resolution that the U.S. dashed with its one veto.

3) A union of Arab nations.

4) Or ... if none of these worked, a single nation that has shown it will
not take U.S. bullying "lying down," like Venezuela, Cuba, or perhaps even

OF COURSE, the U.S. and Israel will whine and moan that they will not accept any other negotiators, claiming that the European Union, Russia,
or the U.N. is actually a "negotiating partner" along with the U.S....
blah...blah...blah. But everybody knows, just as with the so-called
"coalitions" that the U.S. makes a big thing about in their invasion
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is the U.S. that is running the whole
show and is also responsible for the damage its causes, although it consistently tries to avoid any responsibility for that.

Does such an idea have any chance of working? I believe it may, IF
Palestinian leaders first FIND such an advocate, and then second, refuse
to do ANY negotiating with the U.S. as "mediator," AND without their
advocate representing THEM, just as the U.S. ALWAYS represents Israel.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"We should not allow the word 'democracy' to be utilized apologetically to represent the dictatorship of the exploiting classes."

Che Guevara

The demand for a shift in power and wealth, away from a few ...
to the many, has enlivened thousands in numerous countries around
the world in 2011. And as was noted @Jnoubiyeh, "A revolution is an awakening; a sleeping people cannot accomplish a paradigm shift."

Could the massive rallies in Wisconsin against the right-wing governor's attempts to ban collective bargaining for public employees (except the
"security forces," of course), be the start of "a revolution for democracy"
in the United States? That is only possible if those exploited year after
year, the working class, FINALLY WAKE UP from believing the two biggest lies that American leaders, Republican and Democrat alike, have been putting into their subconscious minds every day of their lives with the
help of the media machine:

1 - That the United State is a "democracy," in fact, the leader of the "free
world," AND...

2 - That the ones who bear the blame for America's problems are... the
other party, OR the 'terrorists,' or illegal immigrants, Muslims, minorities, gays ... etc., etc...

My friends, the ONE THING that all of these controlling leaders fear the
most is that the people who slave every day to get through week after week
would see that America is NOT a "democracy" at all; because all are NOT
equal, there is NOT "equal opportunity" and the chance to "vote for the
candidate of your choice," and there is NOT "liberty and justice for all!"
And upon having that realization sink in their heads, they would see clearly the second lie ... that the battle is NOT against any of the above, which have only been used to DILUTE THEIR ENERGY AND FOCUS, but the battle is the collective poor against the collective rich ... and there are a helluva lot more of the former than there are of the latter!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recommended Blogs - 2

Aletho News -
News items about injustice and oppression around the world with
a special emphasis on the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

La Guantanamera - Raisa Martin Lobo - (in Spanish)

There is a certain irony about Raisa's blog, in that it shows the real
"good guys" in Guantanamo ... as opposed to the ones always claiming the
title, but running the world's most infamous prison, known for American torture and chronic human rights abuses. Furthermore, Raisa has had recent
blogs about terrorism ... though this time its about Miami's Luis Posada Carilles, Cuban-exile and CIA operative, responsible for the bombing of
a Cuban airliner in 1976, killing 73 Cuban civilians. The U.S. Government
has refused to prosecute him for terrorism or to extradite him. Furthermore, the U.S. has held in prison for 13 years, five Cubans known as "The Cuban 5", who tried to prevent terrorism by right-wing terrorist
groups in Miami by infiltrating them and then informing Cuban and U.S. authorities. Instead of arresting the terrorists, the FBI arrested the
five men trying to stop more terrorist acts against Cubans!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Recommended Blogs

Eva Golinger - Postcards from the Revolution
Eva Golinger has dual citizenship (U.S. & Venezuela), is bilingual (English & Spanish), and knows the truth about Hugo Chavez more than any other American because she has traveled around the world with him. She offers proof that he has greatly helped the poor in Venezuela & that's what pisses off wealthy corporations and governments who don't want to "share the wealth."

Sarah Abdallah - South Lebanon
Sarah Abdallah is a tireless activist who has been following every detail
of the revolutionary fervor in Arabic speaking countries. She has a strong
passion for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

...The hypocrisy continues...Check out these Tuesday articles

1- Now the U.S. Senate went along with the U.S. House yesterday to extend
the anti-democracy act ironically called the PATRIOT Act by a lopsided 86-12 vote, showing just how far to the right this Government has moved.

2- In another action directly contradicting all of its "pro-democracy"
rhetoric, the US has said it will veto a UN Resolution with 122 nation signatures, condemning the continuing expansion of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Because a veto from any one of the so-called 5 "permanent
members" kills a resolution, the U.S. ALWAYS gets its way. It's time for the
UN to change that or consider itself a "paper tiger!"

Here are the article links from the Twitter posts.

ACLU ACLU National
Follow-up: Senate votes to extend expiring #PatriotAct provisions for 3 months, 86-12. Here's how they voted:

Jinjirrie Jinjirrie
Vetoing UN resolutions condemning Israeli settlements violates broader US interests #imperialism RT @beatsNOTbombs

There were three more very different examples of the United States Government's hypocrisy on Monday.

First, pro-democracy demonstrators in Yemen clashed with the police for the fourth straight day demanding the resignation of the repressive President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled the nation for 21 years. Meanwhile, the U.S.Government has spent the last several months beefing up its military assistance to Saleh, and as Al Jazeera notes, "is shortly to embark on a $75 million project to train Yemen's counterterrorism unit." (To bring U.S. terror to people like pro-democracy demonstrators!).

Second, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 275-144 to extend intact the anti-democracy act ironically called the PATRIOT Act. This odious act
allows the U.S. secret police (i.e. FBI) to use "roving wiretaps," conduct
individual or group surveillance, and to access personal records from banking to medical to library checkouts for whatever reason they wish, if
they are deemed "a person of interest" by the Feds. (The ACLU has a poster
slogan for this: "The Patriot Act ... here to protect you FROM your freedoms").

And Third, Argentina caught the U.S. using an Air Force C17 transport to
smuggle arms and drugs, valued at over $2 million, into their country;
intended to train Argentine Federal police. Argentine promptly cancelled
the training program and sent the goods back to the U.S., with the Argentine ambassador to the U.S. calling the incident, "a shameful embarrassment." (Of course, if any Argentine even attempted to smuggle
anything into the U.S., he/she would be promptly arrested!).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Will the U.S. try to thwart Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt?

Friday, February 11, 2011: a day of rejoicing in Egypt! Those trying to topple Hosni Mubarak by putting their lives on the line since January 25
did so because, despite daily attempts to put an end to their demonstrations, they did not back down from their demand that Mubarak go!

The question now is, will the military to whom Mubarak handed over power,
allow the Egyptian people to choose their next President; or will they allow the main funder of their operations during Mubarak's 30 year regime, the United States, to have "veto power" over what individuals take control
of the country.

The Associated Press had this interesting paragraph about the situation in Egypt:

"The United States at times seemed overwhelmed throughout the 18 days of upheaval, fumbling to juggle its advocacy of democracy and the right to protest, its loyalty to longtime ally Mubarak and its fears Muslim fundamentalists could gain a foothold. Those issues will only grow in significance as Egypt takes the next steps towards what the protest movement hopes will be a true democracy — in which the Muslim Brotherhood will likely to be a significant political player."

It is likely that the U.S. will do its best to keep a member of the
Muslim Brotherhood from being the next Egyptian President. Why?
Primarily because the Palestinians to the north have taken notice
that the revolution was a success because the demonstrators did not
back down by settling for U.S. "reforms" or allowing violence from
the security forces to crush their will. And it so happens that the
Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood is Hamas, which the U.S.
Government has labeled "a terrorist group," in an attempt to delegitimize
the Hamas democratic victory in the 2006 Parliamentary elections, and
to "justify" the continued Israeli invasions of Gaza and the continued
building of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

The U.S. could be facing an even more embarassing situation than it has
since the year began if the revolutionary fervor from Tunisia and Egypt
now picks up in Palestine. Don't expect the U.S. to be telling its number
one ally, Israel, in front of the world, to "allow freedom of speech by the demonstrators," "do not use violence," and to "let the people choose
their leaders." The U.S. will also not respond to demonstrators' mimicing
of a phrase by a darling of the American right-wing, Ronald Reagan, who on a visit to Berlin in 1987 said, "Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall," when
THEY, pointing to the Israeli apartheid wall, cry, "Mr. Obama, tear down this wall!"

The U.S. will have to give up even the pretense of wanting "democracy" if
such a scenero ensues, and will most likely just turn a blind eye while
Israel again does its dirty work.

Could the Muslim Brotherhood, then, actually offer Egypt the best chance
to forge an independent path; away from control by the U.S. and the West ... as well as providing impetus to millions of others "yearning
to be free?"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Al Jazeera deserves a voice in the U.S.

Al Jazeera has proven itself to be a far better source of objective and comprehensive news than any of the United States "mainstream" media
outlets. They are racially and ethnically diverse among their staff, are not afraid of controversy, and are not mouthpieces for a government; which is more often than not, the case of the "mainstream" media. No doubt this is the reason that they have been censored, blacklisted, and in reality, prohibited from broadcasting in the United States on to United States television sets. This is another uprising that I hope will not die: one for TRUTHFUL news not pre-censored by the U.S. military, secret police ("intelligence agencies"), corporations, powerful lobbies, or right-wing politicians!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Three Thoughts for Tuesday that should make you angry about U.S. & Israeli Middle East Meddling

Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak

politicsLeaks Wiki Leaks
Palestine is the key to Arab democracy | Sam Bahour: Protesters in Egypt and Tunisia can learn from events in Pa...

sjjphd SarahJack
Good piece on the censoring of Al Jazeera in the U.S. from an Al Jazeera journalist> Roadblocks in America - Newsweek -

Monday, February 7, 2011

Keep up the pressure!

Back in 1989-1991, the United States was doing it all it could to fuel the demise of the governments of countries closely linked to the Soviet Union,
and finally of the Soviet Union itself; the only country with the ability
to challenge the U.S. militarily and technologically in the world.

Since that time the U.S. has virtually been able to have its way in the world, propping up right-wing regimes, just as it always accused the Soviet Union of propping up those on the left.

But could the 2011 revolts in Tunisia and now in Egypt be the beginning of
another seemingly impossible fall of dominos? The new found pressure being put on the right-wing regimes in Israel and Italy are a positive sign that
governments not having Muslim majorities can be affected by the infectious
demands of a bold citizenry that realizes that the battle is between the wealthy few holding all the power, and the poor masses "under their thumb." After all, right-wing governments LINK corporate and military interests against the POOR.

The key to seeing a rising tide of revolt and change, however, is for the
brave people in Tunisia and Egypt to keep up the pressure ... and NOT to
settle for "reforms," mediated by the U.S. or their agents. This will encourage others around the world to finally "find a voice" to speak out
for their own best interests and those of the poor among their citizenry.

Friday, February 4, 2011

...And if Mubarak is allowed remain President of Egypt until September...

...that will give the U.S. Government plenty of time to manipulate the situation to insure that someone agreeable to both the U.S. and Israel
becomes the next President...

What are your thoughts??? Freely post your comments below.

"Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves."


Hopefully the brave Egyptians demanding liberation in the streets of Cairo
since January 25 will not allow the United States to decide who will lead
their country ... either in the "interim" or long term. The U.S. scheme to
claim credit for getting their long time dictator friend, Hosni Mubarak,
to resign immediately and be replaced by new Vice President Omar Suleiman,
a notorious partner in the U.S. CIA's "extraordinary rendition" (torture)
program, with Suleiman receiving support from the Egyptian military, would make a mockery of all that the protesters have been risking their lives for.
Just as it has no credibility as a "broker" in the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, so it should be given none as a "broker" in the Egyptian transfer of power.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Day of Rage" - U.S. wants to keep the focus on "them" not "us."

With constantly shifting statements about the uprising in Egypt, the United States has been trying to keep the focus of demonstrators and the world at
large off of its own culpability in creating the Egyptian dictatorship and also off of the most glaring example of its hypocritical policies, the virtual prisoners being held behind the Israeli wall in the West Bank and Gaza. It has been using its Voice of America broadcasts and the social media websites to help stir up a "Day of Rage" in Syria on Friday, with the hope that President Bashar al-Assad would be the next target of angry demonstrators demanding that their President step down.

Behind the scenes, the U.S. has also been trying to get Jordan's King Abdullah II and puppet Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to
give some appearance that they are moving towards "upholding democratic values," since they cooperate with the U.S. and Israel. Abbas announced
that he would hold long delayed elections, but since both he and the U.S.
refused to honor the results of the 2006 parliamentary elections in which
Hamas trounced Abbas' Fatah movement, such elections will probably be
"a joke" once again.

Make no mistake, the U.S. is going to manipulate what it can to see that
a pro-American government will take over in Egypt after Mubarak is forced out. But at the same time, it wants to continue to keep trying to
undermine those leaders that don't "march to its orders."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"He who wished to secure the good of others, has already secured his own."

Confucius (551 - 479 B.C.)

I found myself dwelling upon these ancient words of wisdom because I realized how different the meaning would be with just a LETTER addition
in the first half (an 's' to "good"), and a WORD addition in the
second half ('downfall' after "own").

We have witnessed, in the past few days (and earlier in January), thousands of INDIVIDUALS who wanted to "secure the good of others," while the COUNTRIES who have directly or indirectly supported the leaders of oppression made it their concern to "secure the goodS of others." Whether
you call it the law of sowing and reaping; the law of attraction; the law of karma; or the boomerang effect; the former have been securing their
own good, while the latter have been securing their inevitable downfall.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

In Egypt, ElBaradei is acting as though he is the heir apparent to Mubarak.

But has this former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (1997-2009), a privileged upper class man with affluent family members who are lawyers, investment bankers, or IT managers, just been groomed by the U.S. Government to be yet another puppet head of state
(i.e. Afghanistan and Iraq)? ElBaradei has close connections with both
the U.S. and their staunch ally, Great Britain, and in his background
was involved in the "disengagement agreements between Egypt and Israel"
in the late 1970's which allowed both countries to continue their repressive policies without hostility toward one another since then.

ElBaradei, then, is the perfect candidate for the U.S. Government.
But he certainly is NOT for the millions of poor people who have been
oppressed by the Egyptian government for decades.

The struggle, in Egypt, Tunisia, and throughout the world, is one of the poor against the rich ... the "have-nots," wanting to stop the ever widing
gap between themselves, and the "haves." Governments are always trying to
make up all kinds of distractions to keep the poor from seeing ... how poorly ... they have been treated. But the latest revolts may be a
refreshing sign that they can't "fool all of the people all of the time."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can the U.S. continue to have it both ways?

Reacting to the turmoil in Egypt, the last couple days, President Obama said
the following:

""I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protesters."

"The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association. The right to free speech and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights."

Noble words, but rather hypocritical since the U.S. Government has been
supporting Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak with billions of dollars in
military aid for about 30 years.

These words are also hypocritical since Obama and his predecessor Bush
did not speak these words to a repressive Israeli government that has
built a wall that dwarfs the scope of the old infamous Berlin wall,
and commits human rights violations against Palestinians on a daily

In addition, Obama has not even allowed these remarks to be regularly
applied right in the United States itself, by continuing Bush's repression with increasing restrictions on the right of "peaceable assembly and association," the "right to free speech and the ability to determine
their own destiny." Nor have we always seen the order of "authorities
to refrain from any violence against peaceful demonstrators."

It was a telling sign to see that the tear gas canisters that the Mubarak
government used against demonstrators were made in the United States. It
seems that few things are made in the United States these days except
items made to harm or kill others.

Since the end of World War II, the United States has consistently installed or supported right wing dictators or governments, while consistently
opposing governments on the left, whether democratically elected or not.
Yet, like an engineer jumping off a speeding train that is coming to the
end of the track, the U.S. has wanted to avoid responsibility for the
"train wrecks" it has engineered, by, at the last minute before a dictator
falls, calling for him to "reform" or "allow democratic elections," to
avoid the angry citizens from turning their anger against the dictator to the United States itself. Furthermore, the United States wants to be the chief meddler in the power struggle after the dictator, and make sure
that only someone favorable to the U.S. takes charge. This seems to be
what has happened so far in Tunisia, with the interim leader connected
to dictator Ben Ali, who the U.S. supported for so many years.

How long then can the United States continue to have it both ways?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Once you pour the water out of the bucket, it's hard to get it back in it."

Chinese Proverb

...the significance of which not only individuals, but governments need to
learn when deciding how to treat their own citizens, as well as those in other countries of the world.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Common sense is not so common."

Voltaire (1694-1778)

The Republican leaders are all awash in talk about having "not just a budget
freeze, but budget cuts." So duh... as I said once before here, let's start with
the most glaring example of what MUST be cut: military spending and
"security" spending..... This spending is laid TOTALLY on the backs of the
poor for the TOTAL benefit of the rich, and because of the secrecy of these
budget items and the lack of accountability to the public, who are paying
"through the nose," the TOTAL amount of waste and fraud involved with
spending on these items is staggering. 

...And how much do the Republicans (and most Democrats) care?

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Nothing will make us forget the oppression until it stops, until it's finished, until it's eliminated."

Malcolm X

On Tuesday, January 25, President Obama will deliver his third State of the
Union address. He is trying to rally his 2008 election supporters after seeing
millions of them stay home on Election Day 2010, thus handing the House of
Representatives back to the right-wing Republicans and barely holding an
edge in the Senate.

Unfortunately, he seems to continue to do everything that the opposing Party
wants him to do rather than completely reversing course to go in the
direction he again and again promised those millions of Progressives who
ultimately put him in office in January 2009.

As I thought about this during the past week, I realized that there was an
important indicator that this would happen during Obama's campaign days
in 2008.  For two decades Obama had attended an activist church in
Chicago, dedicated to social and economic justice, the Trinity United
Church of Christ. His pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was not afraid to
preach against American injustices and American hypocrisy. The right-
wing, so called "mainstream" media, were quick to jump on a couple of
Wright's "one-liners" and Obama in turn was quick to repudiate his
pastor of two decades.

It seems that, for Obama, with that repudiation also came a repudiation of
dealing directly, head-on, with some of the injustices, disparities, and
hypocrisies perpetuated by the American Government that the pastor had
been preaching about for all those years.  Thus, the bailouts were not for
the working class, but for the billionaries and their corporations.  The
immoral "detention" tortures of the Bush Administration are still taking
place and the world's most notorious prison at Guantanamo Bay is still
being used.  The bedrock rights of free speech, press, and assembly are
continuing to be eroded and more illegal search and seizures are taking
place. And the U.S. continues to support in practice every brutal action
of the right-wing Israeli government against the virtually enslaved
Palestinians, including their latest threat to veto a UN Security Council
resolution condemning the ever expanding Israeli settlements, even
though the resolution is in harmony with U.S. rhetoric for the past 40
years.  The U.S. also had been stepping up aid to the Tunisian dictator
before he was ousted during the past couple weeks, and continues to
mightily aid the Colombian government, with its death squad history
and misuse of "drug war" funds, while railing about the rise of "leftist"
governments in Latin America, whose leaders were democratically
elected (as in Gaza too), which process the U.S. claims to believe in.

What is most sad about all of this to millions of poor Americans is
that it was they who handed President Obama, in 2008, the most
golden opportunity since John F. Kennedy: to turn the United States
in a positive direction by focusing on closing the world's largest
income disparity gap; by ending reckless wars abroad and
transferring the billions spent on them into public services and
works; and by seeking to work with other countries as equals
instead as the world's cop with a billy club. Obama had "the
wind at his back," with the Republican Party discredited and
in a shambles, and millions of enthusiastic supporters who
thought this government would finally help them "get on their
feet," after being beaten down at the whim of the wealthy elite
during the previous eight years. 

...But the President has let the oppression of the poorest and
most powerless get greater ... so what can he say ... and
more importantly ... do ... now?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation."

 Eugene V. Debs - (1855-1926) Five time candidate for President,
the last time from his U.S. prison cell where he was serving a 10
year sentence for a speech denouncing American participation in
World War I.

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Truth is on the side of the oppressed."

Malcolm X

The two Bush presidents, (and you can take that as a double entendre), won't
go away.  They're still greedy for more millions of dollars (from books,
speaking tours, media appearances) and they still believe the American people
are dumb enough to chalk them up as "good presidents" when they are dead
and gone.

Yesterday George H.W. Bush, and his other warmakers: Quayle, Cheney,
Powell, Baker, and Scowcroft met at Texas A & M University for a roundtable
discussion with NBC anchor Brian Williams, to "commemorate" the 20th
anniversary of the start of the first Bush war against Iraq.

The irony of the affair is that the U.S. started this first war against Iraq, and
whipped up a "coalition" of supporting countries around the world, because
Sadaam Hussein had "invaded" wealthy neighboring Kuwait by crossing into
their territory.  The Senior Bush called the U.S. response, which left hundreds
of thousands of civilians dead, maimed, or homeless, and reeked
environmental destruction, a "moral war."

But here's the "kicker."  The reason Bush gave for calling it a "moral war"
was that ...."It was the immorality of a big country -- with the fourth largest
army in the world -- taking over a member state of the U.N.; just brutally
taking it over."

Tell me now, Mr. Bush, couldn't we just delete one word from that
statement ... "fourth" ... and say that is exactly what YOUR SON did to
IRAQ twelve years later......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I must admit that I was perturbed when I read an email from Human Rights First yesterday...

It said that I should urge President Obama to speak out to Chinese President
Hu Jintao about China's "poor human rights record" and "censorship" of the
internet during the U.S. - China Summit that began in Washington D.C.

I was perturbed not because China is an "angel" in the areas of human rights
and censorship (the most notable concern being the imprisonment of Nobel
Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo), but because the United States is what I call,
"the world's greatest hypocrisy," constantly doing the very things that it
whines about countries doing whose governments it would like to have
overthrown or collapse, and constantly portraying itself as "the good guy"
while those others are "bad guys."

It didn't help that I had just read ongoing news and new stories that
confirmed the above.

So, here's what I wrote back to Human Rights First:

"I held off on sending the below reply to this email until after this important
meeting day was over.  However, I decided it was still important that you
read my reply of concern, and I would appreciate any response that you

I think you had better first worry about the U.S.'s "poor human rights record"
and its "censorship" of the internet and violation of freedom of speech, print,
assembly, and freedom from warrantless search and seizure, etc.  etc..  
Didn't you hear how Cheney is boasting about how Obama has come around
to see that his and Bush's tactics had justification (i.e. "indefinite detention,"
that is permanent imprisonment; "harsh imprisonment & interrogation," that
is torture; "pre-emptive strikes," that is invading countries whose
governments we want to overthrow, etc. etc.  Haven't you been following the
Wikileaks censorship and the threats of death or imprisonment of anyone
involved with leaks and the censorship of all materials connected with it and
the threats to any who would try to expose U.S. Gov't wrongdoing?

Finally, just before I read your email, I had read two stories that should cause
YOU to speak out:
1- The teenager tortured in Kuwait last week with CIA involvement, and then
further abused by FBI interrogators. He is an American citizen.
2- The 33 y.o. scholar held and tortured in the U.S.'s Guantanamo Bay
hellhole for 6 and half years, NEVER charged or given an explanation, before
being sent back to Pakistan ... now waking up screaming every night as he
re-lives this horror.  Obama not only lied about closing this illegal facility,
but has now approved "indefinite" (i.e. permanent) imprisonments there and
elsewhere in the American gulags.
I will hope for your reply."

Wouldn't it be nice to see Presidents Obama and Hu sit down with each other
and say, "Hey, we can only help our people and the world by admitting to
each other and them that we have some destructive policies that need to be
changed.  We have been wrong (here) (here) and (here) ... and here's what
we need to do to make our governments work FOR people and not
AGAINST them."

... One can only dream ....

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

How often have we been told that America is the land of "rugged
individualism?" American capitalism through the media bombards
us day by day with the idea that we have to satisfy all our individual
needs and wants with the thousands of products put in our faces to
buy. Life is often trivialized by the American TV shows and movies,
and even "news," leading us to believe that "it's all about us," what
things we have, what things we do, and what things we like and want.

I believe there is a deliberate intention to keep people "in their own
little bubble," so to speak, to keep them self-centered and content
with the accumulation of things. It keeps them from paying close
attention to the injustices committed by the government - corporate
machine and its manipulation of the comfortable and oppression of
the poor.

We celebrate a holiday for Dr. King today, but do we hear his
words that "whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly?"
Are we reminded that there are millions of Americans suffering
today from a lack of basic necessities while our Government
has given billions of dollars to bailout powerful corporations
and subsidize the millions of the millionaries? Are we reminded
that our Government is spending trillions of dollars on wars and
interventions in poor countries, with thousands of resulting
deaths while much of their populations care only about getting
enough food and drinking water for the day? And are we
reminded that our Government is spending billions of dollars to
keep the wealthy and powerful more "secure" in their "homeland"
while spreading fear and harassment to working class people
who just "scrape by" with enough to live on every day, with over
50 million who still don't have health insurance "security?"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, American politicians will be making their obligatory rounds to African-American or civil rights groups to "say nice things" about the dynamic leader whose 1/15 birthday is celebrated then.

Unfortunately, nearly 44 years after he was shot and killed (some believe
with FBI involvement, as they had a long history of harassing and
attempting to discredit him), the civil rights of those in the United States
and its satellites have been steadily eroding.

I believe Dr. King, an ardent opponent of the Vietnam War, would be
appalled at the U.S. occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the de facto
occupation of Palestine, and U.S. attempts to destabilize elected
governments in South America.

I believe he would be appalled at the CIA, FBI, and military involvement
with torture and "indefinite" (i.e. permanent) imprisonment, of not only
non-citizens, but American citizens as well (the FBI even now involved
with a U.S. citizen tortured in Kuwait).

I believe that he would be appalled that the U.S. Supreme Court is allowing
the above mentioned groups and "law enforcement" in general, to continue
restricting and outright denying citizens their constitutional rights to
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom
from searches and seizures without a reasonable warrant, etc., etc.   I believe
Dr. King, upon seeing this occur, would remind us of what he said
during his lifetime,

     "Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal."

Won't American politicians see a contradiction between the lip service they
are giving to the words and actions of a great man and the words and actions
they are using to UNDO his???

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Predictable reaction?

Since the tragic shootings in Arizona last Saturday, right-wing politicians
and talk show hosts have reacted predictably.  Instead of apologizing for
their hateful rhetoric and actions, they have done one or more of the

Blamed "liberals" for "politicizing" the shootings

Denied any responsibility for a hateful political climate in the country and
said that only the shooter should be blamed for anything  (unlike their loud
and ongoing rhetoric against whole GROUPS of people, urging spying,
imprisonment, and death for them, after one or more "Americans" are
killed by one: i.e. Muslims, gays, etc.)

Urged more buying of guns to "protect" "innocent Americans" (i.e. their
kind) against anyone they deem a threat

Urged more restrictions of civil liberties by "law enforcement" (but, of
course, only on non-right-wingers)

Let's hope that the fruits of these predicable reactions will not be
endorsed by the Obama Administration, which has often catered to
the whims of the right in the name of "bi-partisanship."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When I think of all the injustice and suffering right-wingers have caused...

...poor Americans, including myself and my family, it makes me furious to hear hard-right hypocrites like former House leader Tom Delay say the following:

"The criminalization of politics is very dangerous. It's dangerous to our system. Just because somebody disagrees with you they got to put you in jail, bankrupt you, destroy your family."

Delay said this after being sentenced to 3 years in jail for "money laundering
and conspiracy to commit money laundering", a day of which he'll probably
NEVER SERVE,  because he's out on bail while he appeals his conviction,
and he had a flood of right-wing politicians come to his aid, including Israel's
Prime Minister.

This sanctimonious hypocrite, who illegally funneled millions of dollars to
Republican politicians to steal elections and deprive thousands of their votes,
and was ALL FOR spreading hate and having "law enforcement" do to poor
people what he is now whining about for himself, is a prime example of
how, up to the tragic Arizona shooting on Saturday, American politicians
had become like the pigs at the trough, as described in George Orwell's
famous book, Animal Farm.  Let's hope that more Americans finally wake
up to what has happened to the political system that they live under.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The "Toxic Political Tone" has had light shined on it by the Arizona shooting tragedy Saturday...

...according to the Associated Press.  But the question many of us have is, will
the Obama Administration finally take note that it was a WHITE RIGHT-
WINGER who caused this tragedy, goaded on by the day-in-day out gun-
toting, hate spewing right-wingers, (including some politicians and media
talking heads), whose ultimate solution to silencing those individuals, groups,
or countries that they refuse to co-exist with them, is to kill them.  Will the
Administration finally see that many within its own "justice" and  "security"
agencies have wrongly harassed people of peace and social concern because
of their own right-wing mindset, and have deliberately turned a blind eye to
the hatemongers on the right because of their own political sympathies? 

By reversing course and PROTECTING the First Amendment Rights of
American citizens and residents FROM those who violently want to take
those rights away, the Administration will be FINALLY doing something
towards bringing REAL security and REAL democracy.  And by
FINALLY taking steps to make it harder to obtain and possess
weapons, and by FINALLY taking steps to end U.S. military intervention
in Afghanistan, Iraq, and throughout the world, the U.S. WOULD
FINALLY be listening to, ironically, the words of a Republican President
and General of more than a half century ago, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who


Saturday, January 8, 2011

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)


As I've previously written, United States citizens and residents have been
losing their Constitutional Rights at an alarming pace since the Bush regime
took control of this country following Bush's theft of the 2000 Presidential
Election, just over ten years ago.  Unfortunately, the Obama Administration
left many right-wing Republicans in place or has catered to those of their
mentality in the areas where they can do the most damage to the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights: the Department of Defense and the
Department of Homeland Security.  Furthermore, Obama has not followed
through with the promises he made to the millions of poor and marginalized
citizens who voted for him: to root out human rights violations and abuses
practiced by the Bush regime; hold accountable and punish those responsible
for them; and to drastically change course in the way the U.S. treats people
both at home and abroad.

Americans need to quickly get it in their heads: the United States is NOT a
democracy, and it continues to move in the direction AWAY from
democracy, despite its non-stop rhetoric ABOUT democracy. The quotes
by both Benjamin Franklin and Howard Zinn (which has a similar thought
in a Thomas Jefferson quote), speak for themselves, and we had better
start digesting those truths and demand that OUR Government REVERSE its
course, or we will be under a totalitarian regime before another ten to twenty
years passes by.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

It was very predicable on Wednesday that the Republicans resumed their
power in the U.S. House of Representatives with talk about how they
would roll back even the meager health care reform enacted during the
last Congressional session ... as well as any thought of cutting from the
slithering snake that is the military and "security" budgets. Any suffering
on their watch will be borne by the usual scapegoats: the poor and the
marginalized groups.

What is less predicable and can end up being more hurtful is the silence
or the inactivity of those we consider our comrades, or to use the cliche,
those who we know "give a damn about their fellow man." With all of the
blowhard rhetoric we expect to hear from self-centered shallow wealthy
politicians between now and the next presidential election in less than two
years, it is the solidarity of kindred spirits that we need more than ever. 
We must not let the high ground be taken from us with our silence, our
timidity, or an attitude of defeatism.  We can and do make a difference
every day that we encourage and support our friends, those with our
common goals, in words and in deeds, and let them know that they may
sometimes feel lonely but they are never alone.  

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)

It seems that on almost a daily basis now, the rights of people living in the United States are being restricted.

Tuesday's news alone first included a directive by the Government to monitor employees in agencies and ferret out those who might have complaints against the Government and might be prone to want to leak classified materials.  Instead of doing the right thing after the scandal resulting from the Wikileaks revelations, which would be to start dealing ethically, morally, and legally with the American people and the peoples of the world, the U.S. Government is only intent on covering up its dirty deeds more thoroughly. And it is we the taxpayers who are paying for this Government's hiding of what they are doing with OUR money!

Then secondly, a ruling in this Government's largest state, California, now
allows police to search cell phones, computers, or other electronic devices
without a warrant. Any evidence they gather from combing through a
person's most personal data can be used to convict them of a crime. Since
this ruling is being appealed to the Supreme Court, with Bush's right-wing
demogogues in the majority, it is likely that this will become the new law
of the land ....

It is a land that, since "those who stand for nothing" didn't even give a
whimper of protest when the anti-democracy PATRIOT act was quickly
rushed through by the Bush regime in 2001, has become more like the
Nazi and Fascist states of Germany and Italy of the 1930s and 40s than
few Americans could ever have imagined 10 years ago.  Who now is
going to stand tall and say, "Hell, no!" this country belongs to ALL
Americans and not just the egomaniacal few who think that all power,
money, and control belongs in their hands and the rest of us are just
slaves to their whims!?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

Martin Luther King, Jr.                                                         @Gengxinn

This is true not only in one's personal life when it comes to making decisions,
but it is true for the advocate or activist that deeply wants to speak out about
an issue or take an action to demonstrate opposition to government policies.
One doesn't know how the words or action will be received, or what
consequences or accomplishments will result from them, but as people like
MLK, Jr. or Gandhi found, both literally and figuratively, a journey of a
thousand miles always starts with one step. And if your heart's desire is to
help those who are suffering in one way or another, your first step of faith
will never be in vain.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Never be afraid to raise your voice FOR honesty, truth, and compassion ... and AGAINST injustice, lying, and greed.

                                                                         Adapted from: @stone_circle

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea."

Victor Hugo

A new year ... same old wars.  It can be frustrating and anger producing. 
Yet we must remember that all the trillions of dollars spent on military force
will not crush the ideas of the demand for economic justice, social equality,
and the rights of freedom of speech and association.  There is something
hardwired within the millions of poor people that are continuing to be
denied these things, that these are basic rights. And, therefore, those rights
will continue being pursued in 2011.