Monday, February 7, 2011

Keep up the pressure!

Back in 1989-1991, the United States was doing it all it could to fuel the demise of the governments of countries closely linked to the Soviet Union,
and finally of the Soviet Union itself; the only country with the ability
to challenge the U.S. militarily and technologically in the world.

Since that time the U.S. has virtually been able to have its way in the world, propping up right-wing regimes, just as it always accused the Soviet Union of propping up those on the left.

But could the 2011 revolts in Tunisia and now in Egypt be the beginning of
another seemingly impossible fall of dominos? The new found pressure being put on the right-wing regimes in Israel and Italy are a positive sign that
governments not having Muslim majorities can be affected by the infectious
demands of a bold citizenry that realizes that the battle is between the wealthy few holding all the power, and the poor masses "under their thumb." After all, right-wing governments LINK corporate and military interests against the POOR.

The key to seeing a rising tide of revolt and change, however, is for the
brave people in Tunisia and Egypt to keep up the pressure ... and NOT to
settle for "reforms," mediated by the U.S. or their agents. This will encourage others around the world to finally "find a voice" to speak out
for their own best interests and those of the poor among their citizenry.

1 comment:

  1. That's the rub: "right-wing governments LINK corporate and military interests against the POOR." - Plus they have on their side all the $$$ cash & carry their 'LITTLE' hearts desire. Let us thank the U.S. Supreme Court for their 'upholding of democracy' in their decision to declare campaign financing thru the multi-nationals constiturional.

    If ever we get a revolution in this country once again, the first to go should be the "Supreme" court.
