Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This New Year's Thought is Relevant for May Day Too!

After reading about May Day 2012 demonstrations in the U.S. and around the world, I realized that my blog post of January 2, 2011 needed to be shouted out today as well! And we need to thank our REAL heroes: those willing to endure police brutality, arrest, infiltration, and ongoing harassment, for their public cries for justice & human rights, and their public expression of democracy within "democracies" that don't practice it!

"A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea."

Victor Hugo

A new year ... same old wars.  It can be frustrating and anger
producing. Yet we must remember that all the trillions of dollars
spent on military force will not crush the ideas of the demand for
economic justice, social equality, and the rights of freedom of
speech and association.  There is something hardwired within the
millions of poor people that are continuing to be denied these
things, that these are basic rights. And, therefore, those rights will
continue being pursued in 2011.