Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recommended Blogs - 2

Aletho News -
News items about injustice and oppression around the world with
a special emphasis on the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

La Guantanamera - Raisa Martin Lobo - (in Spanish)

There is a certain irony about Raisa's blog, in that it shows the real
"good guys" in Guantanamo ... as opposed to the ones always claiming the
title, but running the world's most infamous prison, known for American torture and chronic human rights abuses. Furthermore, Raisa has had recent
blogs about terrorism ... though this time its about Miami's Luis Posada Carilles, Cuban-exile and CIA operative, responsible for the bombing of
a Cuban airliner in 1976, killing 73 Cuban civilians. The U.S. Government
has refused to prosecute him for terrorism or to extradite him. Furthermore, the U.S. has held in prison for 13 years, five Cubans known as "The Cuban 5", who tried to prevent terrorism by right-wing terrorist
groups in Miami by infiltrating them and then informing Cuban and U.S. authorities. Instead of arresting the terrorists, the FBI arrested the
five men trying to stop more terrorist acts against Cubans!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Recommended Blogs

Eva Golinger - Postcards from the Revolution
Eva Golinger has dual citizenship (U.S. & Venezuela), is bilingual (English & Spanish), and knows the truth about Hugo Chavez more than any other American because she has traveled around the world with him. She offers proof that he has greatly helped the poor in Venezuela & that's what pisses off wealthy corporations and governments who don't want to "share the wealth."

Sarah Abdallah - South Lebanon
Sarah Abdallah is a tireless activist who has been following every detail
of the revolutionary fervor in Arabic speaking countries. She has a strong
passion for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

...The hypocrisy continues...Check out these Tuesday articles

1- Now the U.S. Senate went along with the U.S. House yesterday to extend
the anti-democracy act ironically called the PATRIOT Act by a lopsided 86-12 vote, showing just how far to the right this Government has moved.

2- In another action directly contradicting all of its "pro-democracy"
rhetoric, the US has said it will veto a UN Resolution with 122 nation signatures, condemning the continuing expansion of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Because a veto from any one of the so-called 5 "permanent
members" kills a resolution, the U.S. ALWAYS gets its way. It's time for the
UN to change that or consider itself a "paper tiger!"

Here are the article links from the Twitter posts.

ACLU ACLU National
Follow-up: Senate votes to extend expiring #PatriotAct provisions for 3 months, 86-12. Here's how they voted:

Jinjirrie Jinjirrie
Vetoing UN resolutions condemning Israeli settlements violates broader US interests #imperialism RT @beatsNOTbombs

There were three more very different examples of the United States Government's hypocrisy on Monday.

First, pro-democracy demonstrators in Yemen clashed with the police for the fourth straight day demanding the resignation of the repressive President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled the nation for 21 years. Meanwhile, the U.S.Government has spent the last several months beefing up its military assistance to Saleh, and as Al Jazeera notes, "is shortly to embark on a $75 million project to train Yemen's counterterrorism unit." (To bring U.S. terror to people like pro-democracy demonstrators!).

Second, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 275-144 to extend intact the anti-democracy act ironically called the PATRIOT Act. This odious act
allows the U.S. secret police (i.e. FBI) to use "roving wiretaps," conduct
individual or group surveillance, and to access personal records from banking to medical to library checkouts for whatever reason they wish, if
they are deemed "a person of interest" by the Feds. (The ACLU has a poster
slogan for this: "The Patriot Act ... here to protect you FROM your freedoms").

And Third, Argentina caught the U.S. using an Air Force C17 transport to
smuggle arms and drugs, valued at over $2 million, into their country;
intended to train Argentine Federal police. Argentine promptly cancelled
the training program and sent the goods back to the U.S., with the Argentine ambassador to the U.S. calling the incident, "a shameful embarrassment." (Of course, if any Argentine even attempted to smuggle
anything into the U.S., he/she would be promptly arrested!).