Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SCREAMING the Obvious

Why haven't nations and citizens of the world been SCREAMING about
what has been obvious for decades about the Palestinian-Israeli situation? The United States can NEVER be the "mediator" in a "peace process," because a "mediator" by its very definition is one who is neutral. The U.S. never was, is, or will be neutral, so to let this farce continue year after year while the Palestinians suffer horrors day after day is ludicrous!

The PRIMARY client of the U.S. in the world is Israel and it has been pouring billions of dollars into Israel's military personnel and weapons
year after year ... personnel and weapons that are used AGAINST the Palestinians! The U.S., then, has been acting like a "prosecuting attorney"
against an "accused person," either one who has NO attorney, or; as really
happens in the American "justice" system; as a "public defender" who is really working with the prosecution to "sell out" his own client!

Thus, the obvious need for the Palestinians is to have an "attorney," an
advocate, to represent THEM, and them ALONE; namely, a country or group of countries that will stand up to the "prosecution," the U.S., and which carries some clout.

Here are MY suggestions of who the Palestinians should approach:

1) China - The world's 2nd economic power, 1st in population, among the
top in miliary power, and most importantly the LARGEST HOLDER OF U.S.
DEBT. They, therefore, would have a bargaining chip in negotiations with the U.S. and Israel.

2) The block of 122 nations who supported the anti-Israeli settlement
resolution that the U.S. dashed with its one veto.

3) A union of Arab nations.

4) Or ... if none of these worked, a single nation that has shown it will
not take U.S. bullying "lying down," like Venezuela, Cuba, or perhaps even

OF COURSE, the U.S. and Israel will whine and moan that they will not accept any other negotiators, claiming that the European Union, Russia,
or the U.N. is actually a "negotiating partner" along with the U.S....
blah...blah...blah. But everybody knows, just as with the so-called
"coalitions" that the U.S. makes a big thing about in their invasion
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is the U.S. that is running the whole
show and is also responsible for the damage its causes, although it consistently tries to avoid any responsibility for that.

Does such an idea have any chance of working? I believe it may, IF
Palestinian leaders first FIND such an advocate, and then second, refuse
to do ANY negotiating with the U.S. as "mediator," AND without their
advocate representing THEM, just as the U.S. ALWAYS represents Israel.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"We should not allow the word 'democracy' to be utilized apologetically to represent the dictatorship of the exploiting classes."

Che Guevara

The demand for a shift in power and wealth, away from a few ...
to the many, has enlivened thousands in numerous countries around
the world in 2011. And as was noted @Jnoubiyeh, "A revolution is an awakening; a sleeping people cannot accomplish a paradigm shift."

Could the massive rallies in Wisconsin against the right-wing governor's attempts to ban collective bargaining for public employees (except the
"security forces," of course), be the start of "a revolution for democracy"
in the United States? That is only possible if those exploited year after
year, the working class, FINALLY WAKE UP from believing the two biggest lies that American leaders, Republican and Democrat alike, have been putting into their subconscious minds every day of their lives with the
help of the media machine:

1 - That the United State is a "democracy," in fact, the leader of the "free
world," AND...

2 - That the ones who bear the blame for America's problems are... the
other party, OR the 'terrorists,' or illegal immigrants, Muslims, minorities, gays ... etc., etc...

My friends, the ONE THING that all of these controlling leaders fear the
most is that the people who slave every day to get through week after week
would see that America is NOT a "democracy" at all; because all are NOT
equal, there is NOT "equal opportunity" and the chance to "vote for the
candidate of your choice," and there is NOT "liberty and justice for all!"
And upon having that realization sink in their heads, they would see clearly the second lie ... that the battle is NOT against any of the above, which have only been used to DILUTE THEIR ENERGY AND FOCUS, but the battle is the collective poor against the collective rich ... and there are a helluva lot more of the former than there are of the latter!