Monday, August 27, 2012

"Severe Conservative" Romney's sexist Mormon Church greater threat to womens' birth control and abortion rights (2/19/12 reprint with UPDATE)!

Something not mentioned this month during the assault on womens' rights from Republicans is the connection between the likely wealthy primary winner, Mitt Romney, and America's richest Church, the Latter-Day Saints or Mormon Church, to which Romney has contributed millions of dollars. Romney and the Mormon male hierarchy are happy to have the financially strapped Catholic Church take all the bashing for sexist beliefs and policies, but few Americans know that the LDS Church goes well beyond the Catholic Church when it comes to sexist and homophobic policies. Whereas Catholics are told that women should only limit families by "natural" means (i.e. rhythm method), Mormons are blatantly told that, not only should women get married to a "good Mormon" man who is needed to bring her into "the celestial kingdom" while he goes on to godhead, but she IS ENCOURAGED to then have as many children as possible for there are billions of "spirits waiting to have physical bodies." This is also why these same "good Mormons" are often rabidly homophobic. It has been the Mormon Church which has used its financial and political clout to thus
Fundamentalist Protestant Republicans worry about Romney's Mormon theology. But everyone else had better be concerned with Mormon political, social, and financial clout when they think about Romney becoming President. The Mormon hierarchy believes that the United States is the "New Zion;" indeed, that Jesus Christ even preached in America centuries ago! They also believe that one of their own will become President and give their Church great influence. far keep same sex marriage from becoming legalized in California, not to mention states like Utah, Arizona, and Idaho.

When Romney was in charge of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, there were reports of the LDS Church using its influence to not only get SLC as the city chosen (indeed there was an "Olympic Committee bribe scandal" that was underreported), but to financially benefit from Romney's executive position.

You can be quite sure that if Romney is elected President in 2012, the Church will benefit again; this time from some of the tax money that women and gays pay the United States Government to discriminate against them.


UPDATE: August 27, 2012

The Republicans are about to open their convention in Tampa, Florida, and
anoint Romney as "the next President of the United States."

Since I wrote my above post, the U.S. media has been gushing over "family
man" Romney and his Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(MORMONS), giving this sexist, homophobic, and racist Church ONLY
POSITIVE PRESS and not probing the self-serving answers of spokesmen
for the Church.

It is no surprise that Romney continues to say whatever his "at the moment"
audience wants to hear. Mormons are taught from an early age that their
Church is "THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH" and therefore you only have to
be honest and truthful with fellow good Mormons. All others are "Gentiles,"
the "unchosen" and any lies, dishonesty, and cheating of them is perfectly
acceptable if it benefits any or all Mormons; for Mormons will one day
RULE AMERICA, the "NEW ZION," and will be the MASTERS of the

Romney and his Church will, of course, deny these things, but one only
needs to read the Church's Scriptures: THE BOOK OF MORMON, THE
that they do INDEED believe these things. The Church, however, has both
an extremely saavy public relations network and missionary network that
tries very hard to make sure that the American public only hears and reads
what they are told by these  networks.

So...realize that if the Republican "stop the urban vote" machine succeeds in
getting Romney to the White House in January, you will not only have a 4 to
8 year dose of Romney "steal from the poor to give to the rich" politics, but
you will have Mormons placed in high U.S. Government staff positions, and
a steady dose of mainstream media parroting of what the Church's networks
want you to hear!

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