Saturday, January 14, 2012


Five Iranian scientists have been murdered in the last two years by Israeli &/or American agents. Those nations have more nuclear bombs NOW than the rest of the world COMBINED, and yet they are both itching for a war with Iran because they MIGHT have a nuclear program underway. Duh? Wouldn't ANY nation that knows damn well that the U.S. and Israel may invade their air, sea, and land space WITHOUT WARNING want to protect itself against them??

The world should be far more worried about what the fanatical right-wing government in Israel right now, with the unconditional backing of the world's Super-Bully, the United States, rather than Iran, North Korea, or China. Their world propaganda apparatuses continue to cause the foolish to believe the "we're the 'good guys' myth." "Good guys" don't hold the world
captive to their whims and desires with the constant REAL threat of lethal force from EXISTING MASSIVE arsenals of weapons of mass destruction!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Myth That "Americans Will Elect" A Democrat or a Republican

The American media is all buzzing about who will win the Republican primary in New Hampshire tomorrow. It is already clear who will
LOSE; not only from this primary, but from the general election
this November: "the 99%" that don't control the wealth & the power
in this faux-democratic country!

The REAL heroes in America these past few months have been those of
that 99% who have been brutalized by police, harassed by FBI &
Homeland Security informants, and virtually ignored by the top 1%'s
controlled American media, in their attempts to get the American
public to wake up to WHY we still promote "this endless war;" promote unrestricted Pentagon & "intelligence"(surveillance & assassination) spending; and bailout the richest corporation & individuals, while
cutting public SERVICES without remorse.

The WHY, of course, is that the "Animal Farm" is run by and for the benefit of the fattest animals at the trough!

About 60% of Americans will not even vote this November, not only
because they have NO choice in who the candidates will be, but because many of them have had more and more barriers erected for them to even be
able to vote for "one of two sides of the same coin (i.e. Republicans/Democrats)."

How shameful it is that the United States keeps trying to force "democracy" on countries around the world by bullet, bomb, theft and imprisonment, when with each "election" it moves farther and farther towards a police state!