Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sh*t That Mitt Told Me

Mitt Romney's campaign sticker theme is "Believe In America." Very vague, isn't it? Well that's true about Romney as a candidate and a person, period!  Just like it took him years as a candidate to release any tax return to hide his great wealth, so his slogans and his presidential plans will be vague until he has the ability to spring them upon unsuspecting Americans.

Romney has been calling himself a "fixer," proclaiming that he is a "successful businessman" who knows how to fix problems and will do the same for the U.S. Government as he has done for businesses he controlled.

Yet five years ago, when Romney was beginning his run for the Presidentcy in 2008, the New York Times in a detailed report, noted that "He made his money mainly through leveraged buyouts, mortgaging companies to take them over in the hope of reselling them at big profits in just a few years."

Romney has bragged about being able to make "the hard choices" to solve problems. Yet, just as he bragged after finally releasing one past tax return, that "I never paid a penny more than I owe," so too has
he made sure that he never LOST a penny either; instead escaping as a robber baron while causing massive loss and suffering to the families whose members he laid off.

He also brags about "saving" the 2002 Olympic Games. Yet, the scandal concerning bribes to get the Games to his Mormon Capital, Salt Lake City, he made sure was quietly contained, so that his Church would not become involved. Yet rumors were present, not only about involvement the Church may have had in the bribe scandal, but also, whether Romney had Olympic money funnelled to his Church,
through such means as paying for spanking new big parking lots on property owned by the Church, etc..

And now, this very day, in 2012, rumors are swirling, as Lee Fang reports on Op-Ed News, that Romney, if elected President, will choose close Mormon multimillionaire friend, Jack Gerard, as his White House Chief of Staff. Gerard happens to be the president of the American Petroleum Institute, the top oil lobbying association in the country!

So then, Mitt Romney will surely "fix" the problems of his wealthy Mormon friends if elected President, but for those millions of Americans
who were laid off by the "Romney's" of the nation's top 1%, his national "fixes" will make him nothing but "MITT THE SHIT" to them.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The OTHER 1%, Our REAL heroes: Those risking their all for economic, social, & spiritual justice

The REAL heroes in the United States are NOT who the Government & the Government manipulated media claim they are: The Military, The FBI & CIA, and the Police. No, they are the women, men, & even children who are willing to publicly march and speak against the U.S. policies which oppress the poor, murder and maim thousands around the world every year, and systematically fuel HATE rather than LOVE.

Yet, Republican & Democratic politicians, news networks, talk show hosts, and the majority of TV shows and movies praise daily as heroes the above mentioned entities who actually are the oppressors and the forces that try to guarantee that there will never be any REAL change in the United States.

Meanwhile, those oppressors are always on the prowl for more critics to infiltrate; for more dissident leaders to frame for "terrorism" or some other set-up "crime." They are always using every means to COVER-UP their violation of human and civil rights, by such means as actually making it a "crime" to videotape their brutality, by destruction of documents; by shielding lawyers for dissidents from having access to what information remains because of "national security."

In the Occupy movement, we have heard about the 1% and the 99% percent
over the past year. For years before the Occupy movement and still now,
I have always believed that in the United States there was the 1% who were
those who controlled the wealth and the power & who oppressed those who
didn't have it; but ALSO just 1% who REALLY knew what that controlling 1%
was doing & publicly tried to change it ... the REAL heroes...
while the controlling 1% is fully aware of this and is daily trying to wipe out
that OTHER 1%, if not physically, then at least by destroying their lives, their
families, & their opportunities to speak and act!  ...Then there are the other
98% of the population that are largely self-absorbed, that go along like sleep
with what the Government, the Government heroes, and the media tell them.

What is our task then? To support the REAL heroes in their quest for economic, social, and spiritual justice in what ways that we can, and to change any of those "sheep" into mindfully aware human beings.