Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mitt Romney & Scott Brown: The Two Biggest LIARS In Massachusetts

  In what the United States media has called the two biggest political races this
year, the Republican candidates in both have been quick to claim
Massachusetts as their home; quick to exploit its reputation as the intellectual
capital of the country, due to its many prominent institutions of higher
learning; and quick to claim "what a great example of bipartisanship I have
been" for the Commonwealth and the country.

  Those candidates are Mitt Romney, running for President, and the man he
mentored while Governor from 2002-2006, Scott Brown, running for a 6 year
term as U.S. Senator.  Both men now share the same chief advisor, a dirty Karl
Rove clone, Eric Fehrnstrom, now a veteran at helping them wildly attack their
opponents, while using vague phrases like, "I'll get America/MA back to work
again," for the sum description about themselves! Yet Brown thinks MA voters
are dumb enough to miss the close link between Romney and himself by
flooding mailboxes with "your independent senator" crap!

   It is revolting that these two men have been soiling the good name of
Massachusetts with their LIES.  The truth is...which the record SHOWS, is that
Romney was a failure as its governor, and Brown, in his two & one-half years
as senator, after sneaking in by the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, and
against a weak, unprepared candidate in a special election in 2010, has been
a failure as a senator. Both of these men, while in office in Massachusetts,
blathered unceasingly about being "independent" and "bipartisan," and are
STILL doing so, particularly Brown, who won't even USE the word
"Republican" in his attacks on consumer advocate & progressive Democrat,
Elizabeth Warren.  He hopes that he can fool enough people a second time
about his long RECORD of PARTISAN votes and pronouncements to the
millionaires and billionaries from New York & elsewhere, and sleazeballs
like Bush hatchetman Karl Rove & Grover Norquist who have been
bankrolling his smear campaign.

   At the first Presidential debate on October 3, Romney repeatedly invoked the
name "Massachusetts" and took full credit for the universal health plan that he
said he got the "87% Democrat legislature" to agree on.  If I can be that
bipartisan, he proudly proclaimed, I can do it for the whole country!

   It's great to USE the Democrats when they make "ME" look good, is what
Romney & Brown keep telling themselves. But if the TRUTH sinks in to the
voters before Election Day....

   Here is a capsule of what Romney REALLY did as Governor from :

"How Bipartisan Was Romney as Governor?
During the debate, Mitt Romney repeatedly claimed that as governor he worked with the Democratic controlled Massachusetts state legislature in a constructive way to get things done. This is music to the ears of the bipartisanship fetishists who don't realize the reason that Congress is dysfunctional is not that the individual members are acting like petulant children but that the parties' goals are diametricallly opposed. What the Republicans want at all costs is lower taxes and what the Democrats want is better government services. These two things are fundamentally incompatible, which is why the parties can't agree on anything.
A closer inspectionof Romney's term as governor shows the same forces were at work at the state level. The Democrats controlled over 85% of the seats in the state legislature, so Romney was forced to work with them. Nevertheless, he exercised his veto power 844 times during his term, only to have the vast majority of his vetoes overridden. As a result, laws and budgets were passed, but not due to some spirit of cooperation. They became law because the Democrats repeatedly shoved legislation Romney opposed down his throat due to their veto-proof majority.
Pretty much his only legislative achievement, universal health insurance, was something Democrats had dreamed of for decades. Romney knew that if he vetoed it, his veto would just be overridden and since the plan was essentially that of the conservative Heritage Foundation ("make everyone buy insurance from a private insurance company") he figured that if he went along with it, he would get credit for it. Little did he know that a future Democratic President would pass the same plan on a national scale and then the Republicans would revolt against a plan they themselves had been championing for 15 years.
In short, there is relatively little evidence of bipartisanship during Romney's term as governor. Most of his campaign promises, such as restructuring the state government, overhauling the state university, consolidating the transportation agencies, and bringing new jobs to the state went unfulfilled because the Democrats opposed them."

  In addition to the above, Romney caused GREAT suffering for low and middle
class individuals & families, by making massive cuts to social programs and
services. Furthermore, he was roundly criticized by the public for being OUT
OF STATE on his personal campaign for President in 2008, rather than
tending to the business of the Commonwealth at home.

  As for the current "Independent" Senator, Scott Brown, here is the link for a
two page summary from ProgressMass, of Brown's LIES: what he has been
SAYING, versus what he has DONE-

                                   type in:

   ProgressMass adds more on their website to explode the LIE that Brown is
"Independent" or "BiPartisan."

   Go to:            

   Also, go to this site to see that Brown was very partisan during his MA state
senate years


   The problem that Republicans have is that their FAILED policies were
ENDURED during the recent 8 years of the Nation's WORST President,
George W. Bush, whose name they now don't even want to invoke!  So
instead they use the philosophy of Bush, which was that "the ends ALWAYS
justify the means," whether it be lying, cheating, smearing, stealing,
or killing....