Saturday, December 4, 2010

"When governments lie to their people we call it democracy ...

but when one of us tries to tell the truth its called terrorism."


And here is another posted by Primal_life which is from one of my favorite
authors, George Orwell, whose books Animal Farm and 1984 are oh so
relevant to the climate of fear and repression that the U.S. has whipped
up this past decade:

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary

Finally, @ZeroGov, a sobering truth posted: "When injustice becomes
law, resistance becomes duty."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Does anyone else see the HYPOCRISY...

... in this week's flurry of American politicians falling all over themselves in their attempts to have
Wikileaks' whistleblower Julian Assange captured and imprisoned, or assassinated, and Wikileaks
shut down ... as well as any other critics that might embarrass them by pointing out U.S. wrongdoing...

I think the term "The World's Greatest Hypocrisy" has replaced the U.S. neverending claim as "The World's Greatest Democracy" in the minds of those Americans who have lifted their heads out of the sand that the American castle has been built on.

"No One Will Ever Tell!" ...

... a true personal story of extreme suffering because of government injustice,
and the cavalier attitude accentuated during the Bush years that there is no
torture when "democracies" do it, because "anything goes."

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