Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recommended Blogs - 2

Aletho News -
News items about injustice and oppression around the world with
a special emphasis on the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

La Guantanamera - Raisa Martin Lobo - (in Spanish)

There is a certain irony about Raisa's blog, in that it shows the real
"good guys" in Guantanamo ... as opposed to the ones always claiming the
title, but running the world's most infamous prison, known for American torture and chronic human rights abuses. Furthermore, Raisa has had recent
blogs about terrorism ... though this time its about Miami's Luis Posada Carilles, Cuban-exile and CIA operative, responsible for the bombing of
a Cuban airliner in 1976, killing 73 Cuban civilians. The U.S. Government
has refused to prosecute him for terrorism or to extradite him. Furthermore, the U.S. has held in prison for 13 years, five Cubans known as "The Cuban 5", who tried to prevent terrorism by right-wing terrorist
groups in Miami by infiltrating them and then informing Cuban and U.S. authorities. Instead of arresting the terrorists, the FBI arrested the
five men trying to stop more terrorist acts against Cubans!

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