Thursday, February 10, 2011

Al Jazeera deserves a voice in the U.S.

Al Jazeera has proven itself to be a far better source of objective and comprehensive news than any of the United States "mainstream" media
outlets. They are racially and ethnically diverse among their staff, are not afraid of controversy, and are not mouthpieces for a government; which is more often than not, the case of the "mainstream" media. No doubt this is the reason that they have been censored, blacklisted, and in reality, prohibited from broadcasting in the United States on to United States television sets. This is another uprising that I hope will not die: one for TRUTHFUL news not pre-censored by the U.S. military, secret police ("intelligence agencies"), corporations, powerful lobbies, or right-wing politicians!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Suppression of any makes desperation reign. And desperation is capable of doing atrocious thing. I wish some of our FOX news people would understand this!
