Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When I think of all the injustice and suffering right-wingers have caused...

...poor Americans, including myself and my family, it makes me furious to hear hard-right hypocrites like former House leader Tom Delay say the following:

"The criminalization of politics is very dangerous. It's dangerous to our system. Just because somebody disagrees with you they got to put you in jail, bankrupt you, destroy your family."

Delay said this after being sentenced to 3 years in jail for "money laundering
and conspiracy to commit money laundering", a day of which he'll probably
NEVER SERVE,  because he's out on bail while he appeals his conviction,
and he had a flood of right-wing politicians come to his aid, including Israel's
Prime Minister.

This sanctimonious hypocrite, who illegally funneled millions of dollars to
Republican politicians to steal elections and deprive thousands of their votes,
and was ALL FOR spreading hate and having "law enforcement" do to poor
people what he is now whining about for himself, is a prime example of
how, up to the tragic Arizona shooting on Saturday, American politicians
had become like the pigs at the trough, as described in George Orwell's
famous book, Animal Farm.  Let's hope that more Americans finally wake
up to what has happened to the political system that they live under.

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