Since the tragic shootings in Arizona last Saturday, right-wing politicians
and talk show hosts have reacted predictably. Instead of apologizing for
their hateful rhetoric and actions, they have done one or more of the
Blamed "liberals" for "politicizing" the shootings
Denied any responsibility for a hateful political climate in the country and
said that only the shooter should be blamed for anything (unlike their loud
and ongoing rhetoric against whole GROUPS of people, urging spying,
imprisonment, and death for them, after one or more "Americans" are
killed by one: i.e. Muslims, gays, etc.)
Urged more buying of guns to "protect" "innocent Americans" (i.e. their
kind) against anyone they deem a threat
Urged more restrictions of civil liberties by "law enforcement" (but, of
course, only on non-right-wingers)
Let's hope that the fruits of these predicable reactions will not be
endorsed by the Obama Administration, which has often catered to
the whims of the right in the name of "bi-partisanship."
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