Monday, November 21, 2011

Two thoughts on current concerns...

1- With the non-stop month of holiday commercialism beginning this week with "Black Friday" (which capitalism has made "black" everyday in the lives of millions of Americans), I again watched Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story," which was released in 2010, long before the 'Occupy' movement started across the country. He says in the film what I have said for years... the rich elite ruling this country will keep robbing from the poor to give more to themselves until the poor stand up to them with action, like with OWS! Is the Federal Gov't using the FBI & "law enforcement" to intimidate & destroy the movement? You can be damn sure they are ... in fact a trademark of the FBI is to infiltrate all "left of center" groups, carry out some extreme actions (like vandalism, theft, & "unsanitary" acts), to turn the public against them, & then open the door to wholesale arrests, brutality, & even murder by any in "law enforcement."

2- These "new sanctions" on Iran over their alleged nuclear weapons program is the height of hypocrisy. What 2 countries already have more nuclear weapons than the whole world combined AND militaries that have no qualms about invading or bombing whoever they damn well please? The U.S. & Israel, of course!

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