Friday, January 21, 2011

"Truth is on the side of the oppressed."

Malcolm X

The two Bush presidents, (and you can take that as a double entendre), won't
go away.  They're still greedy for more millions of dollars (from books,
speaking tours, media appearances) and they still believe the American people
are dumb enough to chalk them up as "good presidents" when they are dead
and gone.

Yesterday George H.W. Bush, and his other warmakers: Quayle, Cheney,
Powell, Baker, and Scowcroft met at Texas A & M University for a roundtable
discussion with NBC anchor Brian Williams, to "commemorate" the 20th
anniversary of the start of the first Bush war against Iraq.

The irony of the affair is that the U.S. started this first war against Iraq, and
whipped up a "coalition" of supporting countries around the world, because
Sadaam Hussein had "invaded" wealthy neighboring Kuwait by crossing into
their territory.  The Senior Bush called the U.S. response, which left hundreds
of thousands of civilians dead, maimed, or homeless, and reeked
environmental destruction, a "moral war."

But here's the "kicker."  The reason Bush gave for calling it a "moral war"
was that ...."It was the immorality of a big country -- with the fourth largest
army in the world -- taking over a member state of the U.N.; just brutally
taking it over."

Tell me now, Mr. Bush, couldn't we just delete one word from that
statement ... "fourth" ... and say that is exactly what YOUR SON did to
IRAQ twelve years later......

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