Saturday, January 8, 2011

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)


As I've previously written, United States citizens and residents have been
losing their Constitutional Rights at an alarming pace since the Bush regime
took control of this country following Bush's theft of the 2000 Presidential
Election, just over ten years ago.  Unfortunately, the Obama Administration
left many right-wing Republicans in place or has catered to those of their
mentality in the areas where they can do the most damage to the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights: the Department of Defense and the
Department of Homeland Security.  Furthermore, Obama has not followed
through with the promises he made to the millions of poor and marginalized
citizens who voted for him: to root out human rights violations and abuses
practiced by the Bush regime; hold accountable and punish those responsible
for them; and to drastically change course in the way the U.S. treats people
both at home and abroad.

Americans need to quickly get it in their heads: the United States is NOT a
democracy, and it continues to move in the direction AWAY from
democracy, despite its non-stop rhetoric ABOUT democracy. The quotes
by both Benjamin Franklin and Howard Zinn (which has a similar thought
in a Thomas Jefferson quote), speak for themselves, and we had better
start digesting those truths and demand that OUR Government REVERSE its
course, or we will be under a totalitarian regime before another ten to twenty
years passes by.

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