Friday, December 31, 2010

I will leave "what might have been" in 2010 & embrace the "what can still be"

... right in front of me!                                                       @TheSingleWoman

                      HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!    @DanielStrong10

Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over."

F. Scott Fitzgerald             

As 2010 comes to an end, we can find much to be disappointed about in
regard to our socio-political concerns.  Economic disparity continues to
grow, trillions of dollars continue to be wasted on wars which only bring
destruction and death, and more seeds of discrimination, repression, and
oppression continue to be planted. 

But what we don't often see, what is not media "news," is the difference we
have made in the thinking and acting of ... some human beings ... some people
... who now may make a positive difference in the lives of others in the year
to come. 

Perhaps we need to persist in some of our strategies designed to meet our
goals ... or perhaps we need to start over in some areas with new strategies.
Either way we show our vitality, and can be assured that we will have our
victories in 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests."

John Stuart Mill

We hear a lot about "protecting U.S. interests," or "our interests lie there," etc..
Even on an individual basis we are often told that "it is in our best interest."
But do we collectively and individually act from a heartfelt belief that
something is truly beneficial to all it will involve? 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"For Mercy has a human heart, Pity a human face: and Love ...

...the human form divine, and Peace the human dress."   William Blake

Those who rationalize every American military action, as well as those
of America's client states like Israel, are quick to use the excuse of
"we have to stop terrorism/the terrorists" and mock those who
oppose these actions as "weak," and needing to "get real."

What they are too shortsighted to see, however, is that their support
betrays the essence of what it really means to be a fully functioning
human being; for as Blake noted, it is MERCY, PITY, LOVE, and
PEACE that make up the core of one who is truly a stable person.
The person who is whole or at least striving toward wholeness feels
compelled to side with those who need mercy, pity, love, and peace,
because in doing so s/he attracts those things to his or her self,
reaffirming one's own humanity. A country can never stop "terrorism"
by committing or endorsing acts of terror which bring the opposite of
mercy, pity, love, and peace. Therefore, those who protest such acts
and stand for the essence of what constitutes full humanity are actually
the ones who are exhibiting strength, and are truly the most "real."

Monday, December 27, 2010

"If we don't change things, things will change us."

William Apollinaire

Most people seem to be content with the status quo.  That, of course,
is fine with governments who have power stacked at the top, among
the wealthiest one or two percent of the population. They just want
people to mind their own business, wave the flag, sing the anthem,
and treat the "security forces" as heroes.

Yet without the one or two percent of citizens who are activists for
change, the masses of people WILL be changed for the worse,
because the old cliche, "Power corrupts, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely," is TRUE.

The public owes a great deal of thanks to the tiny minority who are
whistleblowers and watchdogs for the good of the entire population,
for it is they who are taking the risks, suffering the criticism and abuse,
and making the REAL personal sacrifices. Wouldn't it be nice if we
had a HOLIDAY to remember and celebrate them!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition...

...from mediocre minds."  Albert Einstein

A recent study showing that people who rely on FOX news for their
information were less informed and more often incorrect in answers,
was summarized by some as a "dumbing down" of this group of
people.  Perhaps it is because the network, dubbed "Faux News," is
constantly trying to label and divide people, and to foster opposition
or even hatred toward those who criticize American policies or want
an "equal piece of the pie" in American society.

History has shown that those people or nations who rely on force or
war to get their way and/or deal in the politics of exclusion rather
than inclusion, will reap the same back.  No amount of security can
ultimately stop the law of sowing and reaping. That is why our nation
needs to step back, admit its mistakes, give up its arrogance, and
realize that good will to all will bring good will in return. This is not
naive, wishful thinking. It is hard fact.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Neither the approval nor the disapproval of any individual or group...

...makes any real difference in the quality of your life." Guy Finley

Governments are able to get away with censoring unpopular ideas and causes
by the yoke of conformity. The corporate media is used by the government to
make uninformed people believe they are "less of a citizen," "out of step,"
"weak," or even "bad" if they don't believe and follow what "the authorities"
tell them what they should see and do, or not see and not do.  These
"authorities" hold the hammer of rejection and punishment, not to mention
fear, over the heads of the millions of "sheep" citizens who are afraid "to
rock the boat."

Today, Tuesday, some astute citizens are greatly concerned that the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) will sell the American people out by
allowing a few corporate media giants to end internet neutrality by charging
fees to access present highly used free sites and to censor or block out
content that they don't like.  After exposure of Government misdeeds by
Wikileaks, citizens need to be concerned that the Government is hungry to
increasingly limit the ability of citizens to speak against it, and since most of
the critics are poor with little or no Congressional representation as it is,
burdensome fees and big corporate control of content would be a blatant

Monday, December 20, 2010

"If you tremble indignation at every injustice...

...then you are a comrade of mine."  Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

How many politicians ... how many soldiers ... are legislating or fighting
because of their gut reaction of disgust and anger over the daily injustices
that billions of poor people in the world suffer every day?  Today it is
hard to find any.  The main motives for their actions seem to be revenge,
personal power or gain, nationalist superiority, or just plain blind
obedience. Where is the view that, just as there is an ecological
connection between all living things and the ongoing losses of some
species affects all species, so there is an inherent connection between
all human beings. Americans are constantly told it is "us" vs. "them,"
or even more arrogantly, it is "the good guys" (us) vs. "the bad guys"
(them).  We cannot kill and destroy others without it boomeranging
back to us, nor can we ignore, scoff at ... or cause ... injustice, without
it bringing dire consequences to us.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal... is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

The key, of course, is what we continue doing ... working for "liberty and
justice for all," or protecting the interests of the elite few by causing hardship
for the masses.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Our greatest fear is NOT that we are powerless...

...but that we are powerful beyond measure."


Sometimes we underestimate our ability to be change agents in a society
controlled by the most wealthy, with the world's most potent, destructive
military and police power protecting the wealth of the wealthy, so it does
not have to be shared.  But the diminutive figure of Gandhi comes to
mind when I think of how this seemingly insignificant soul was able to
bring the British empire to its knees without firing a single weapon shot.
He did not waiver from his belief that "right" will always eventually defeat "might."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Being challenged in life is inevitable ...

... being defeated is optional."


It has always impressed me the way people like Gandhi, Margaret Sanger,
MLK, Jr., and Eugene Debs did not "go away" when they were knocked
down, beaten, imprisoned, and mocked by the press. Defeat was not an
option in their minds!  They all had the goal of improving the lives of the
suffering, the discriminated against, the poor ... and they were not going
to let any powerful entity stop them from moving toward their goal!

People wanting to change the status quo will always be challenged
because they demand inclusiveness from powerholders intent on keeping
their privileges for themselves. But they will never be defeated if they
"rise and rise again" after they are knocked down.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Tell a person they are brave and you help them become so."

Thomas Carlyle

It was words of love, empathy, and solidarity from my family that enabled
me to become and remain brave in the face of the gross brutality and
injustice that I experienced several years ago, as described in my book,
No One Will Ever Tell!  Those who have experienced persecutions
from governments, institutions, or "authorities," yet continue to maintain
their dignity and, as Anna Pavlova puts it, "follow without halt, one aim,"
have done so because there have been others who have inspired their
bravery by words or deeds.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"If we do not change our direction ...

...we are likely to end up where we are headed."  Chinese Proverb


The Republicans would have us believe that the U.S. needs to
change back to the ways of George W. Bush: preemptive war;
"detained" without charges or trial because "the good guys"say it's
needed; increasingly less taxes for the rich, while the working
poor pay more and more for their Government's military and
security expenditures, which only benefit the rich; the continual
reduction of public lands and public services so the rich can
increase their ownership and charge what they want ... etc.,
ad nauseum. The American public, or so we are told by the
mainstream media (which BTW is and has been conservative,
not the "liberal media" gullible Americans have been spoon
fed since Reagan), wants the Government to move more to
the right, even to have it undue the miniscule changes of the
past two years. Bush, (whose timing of release of his self-
serving book was excellent,right as the Republicans fulfilled
months of media predictions that they would take back the
House of Representatives and significantly gain in the Senate),
is now considered more popular than Obama and "Tea Party"
right-wingers are being pumped up for the White House.

Ironically, the direction the U.S. has been heading for the
past 10 years has been more and more away from democracy
and more and more towards totalitarianism at the same time
that its rhetoric about democracy and "freedom" has been
greater than ever. As a recent alternative newscast concluded,
the message the U.S. is sending to the world is, "Do as I say,
not as I do."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it"


It can be discouraging to those of us working hard for a more equitable
country, a more equitable world, to think that we have overcome a major
obstacle put in our way, only to find that we were either deceived or
another obstacle has been present right behind the one just removed.
Yet rather than dwelling in discouragement, we must see glory in the
victory by taking note of any lives that we have affected for good, as
well as the increased strength that that victory has given us to remove
the next obstacle.    We will overcome.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"He knows not his own strength ...

that hath not met adversity."   Cesare Pavese

Many of us know what it is to suffer because of our beliefs, which inspire our
fight to replace continual rhetoric and propaganda for real "liberty and
justice for all."  We should seek to recognize and be thankful for the strength
of character and purpose that has developed in us through that suffering, and
not let anyone discount or minimize what has been accomplished in us and in
the lives of others through us.  "Fresh activity is the only means of over-
coming adversity," stated Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, so we must not let
setbacks from the "powers that be" discourage us from continuing our actions
for social and political change that benefit those who most need a "break" and
a "bailout" from their present marginalized or ignored status.

Friday, December 10, 2010

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes...

...but he who does not ask remains a fool forever."   Chinese Proverb  


In the AFTERWORD at the close of my book, No One Will Ever Tell! ,
I ask my readers to "question, research, and compare", something which
seems so obvious, but which seems to be so overlooked by the millions of
Americans who readily believe what they are told if it is told by "an
authority," in the Administration, Congress, the mainstream media, or
especially the military or law enforcement. Made to fear that they will be
disloyal or criticized, they don't ASK for evidence or proof, or think through
the personal motives, ambitions, or prejudices that such "authorities" may
very well have when  they declare an individual or group a "terrorist",
"criminal" or just plain "bad" as opposed to them, the "authorities," being
"good."  If each American was honest enough he could think of American
history and at least name one or two Americans who their government had
declared "bad" who were later shown to be far less "bad" then those
"authorities" who had labelled them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"I agree with you ...

...that in politics the middle way is no way at all."

John Adams, 2nd U.S. President

The Republicans certainly understand that.  To them, their way is the ONLY
way things will be, and as they proved under Bush, they will do ANYTHING
to get their way, sooner or later. 

It is high time that President Obama and the Democrats start saying, "No,
period!" to the demands of the Republicans and started respecting the voices
and actions of those who already HAVE BEEN WILLING to say that ...
and to stand up for the millions of Americans, the working and non-working
poor, who struggle EVERY DAY just to maintain basic survival needs of
food, clothing, and shelter. 

I don't see any bailouts or breaks of any kind being offered by those in
power in the U.S. to the ones, who by far, need them MOST.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Life is what happens to you ...

... when you're busy making other plans."  John Lennon (d. December 8, 1980)

Does our society use the lure of material gratification to keep us powerless ... so that we conform ...
and don't make a difference for good?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

There is no truth ...

...without risk

and no change without courage.

We are bombarded every day with what I call "the castle built on sand" notion...

...that success only comes from what we own or how many people we "lord it over," or control.

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered,
and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."

Orison Swett Marden

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"When governments lie to their people we call it democracy ...

but when one of us tries to tell the truth its called terrorism."


And here is another posted by Primal_life which is from one of my favorite
authors, George Orwell, whose books Animal Farm and 1984 are oh so
relevant to the climate of fear and repression that the U.S. has whipped
up this past decade:

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary

Finally, @ZeroGov, a sobering truth posted: "When injustice becomes
law, resistance becomes duty."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Does anyone else see the HYPOCRISY...

... in this week's flurry of American politicians falling all over themselves in their attempts to have
Wikileaks' whistleblower Julian Assange captured and imprisoned, or assassinated, and Wikileaks
shut down ... as well as any other critics that might embarrass them by pointing out U.S. wrongdoing...

I think the term "The World's Greatest Hypocrisy" has replaced the U.S. neverending claim as "The World's Greatest Democracy" in the minds of those Americans who have lifted their heads out of the sand that the American castle has been built on.

"No One Will Ever Tell!" ...

... a true personal story of extreme suffering because of government injustice,
and the cavalier attitude accentuated during the Bush years that there is no
torture when "democracies" do it, because "anything goes."

Welcome to my new blog, STRONG WORDS

I have just published a book which is available through:

Search:  Daniel Strong            No One Will Ever Tell!