Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Neither the approval nor the disapproval of any individual or group...

...makes any real difference in the quality of your life." Guy Finley

Governments are able to get away with censoring unpopular ideas and causes
by the yoke of conformity. The corporate media is used by the government to
make uninformed people believe they are "less of a citizen," "out of step,"
"weak," or even "bad" if they don't believe and follow what "the authorities"
tell them what they should see and do, or not see and not do.  These
"authorities" hold the hammer of rejection and punishment, not to mention
fear, over the heads of the millions of "sheep" citizens who are afraid "to
rock the boat."

Today, Tuesday, some astute citizens are greatly concerned that the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) will sell the American people out by
allowing a few corporate media giants to end internet neutrality by charging
fees to access present highly used free sites and to censor or block out
content that they don't like.  After exposure of Government misdeeds by
Wikileaks, citizens need to be concerned that the Government is hungry to
increasingly limit the ability of citizens to speak against it, and since most of
the critics are poor with little or no Congressional representation as it is,
burdensome fees and big corporate control of content would be a blatant

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