Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition...

...from mediocre minds."  Albert Einstein

A recent study showing that people who rely on FOX news for their
information were less informed and more often incorrect in answers,
was summarized by some as a "dumbing down" of this group of
people.  Perhaps it is because the network, dubbed "Faux News," is
constantly trying to label and divide people, and to foster opposition
or even hatred toward those who criticize American policies or want
an "equal piece of the pie" in American society.

History has shown that those people or nations who rely on force or
war to get their way and/or deal in the politics of exclusion rather
than inclusion, will reap the same back.  No amount of security can
ultimately stop the law of sowing and reaping. That is why our nation
needs to step back, admit its mistakes, give up its arrogance, and
realize that good will to all will bring good will in return. This is not
naive, wishful thinking. It is hard fact.

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