Thursday, December 9, 2010

"I agree with you ...

...that in politics the middle way is no way at all."

John Adams, 2nd U.S. President

The Republicans certainly understand that.  To them, their way is the ONLY
way things will be, and as they proved under Bush, they will do ANYTHING
to get their way, sooner or later. 

It is high time that President Obama and the Democrats start saying, "No,
period!" to the demands of the Republicans and started respecting the voices
and actions of those who already HAVE BEEN WILLING to say that ...
and to stand up for the millions of Americans, the working and non-working
poor, who struggle EVERY DAY just to maintain basic survival needs of
food, clothing, and shelter. 

I don't see any bailouts or breaks of any kind being offered by those in
power in the U.S. to the ones, who by far, need them MOST.

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