Monday, December 27, 2010

"If we don't change things, things will change us."

William Apollinaire

Most people seem to be content with the status quo.  That, of course,
is fine with governments who have power stacked at the top, among
the wealthiest one or two percent of the population. They just want
people to mind their own business, wave the flag, sing the anthem,
and treat the "security forces" as heroes.

Yet without the one or two percent of citizens who are activists for
change, the masses of people WILL be changed for the worse,
because the old cliche, "Power corrupts, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely," is TRUE.

The public owes a great deal of thanks to the tiny minority who are
whistleblowers and watchdogs for the good of the entire population,
for it is they who are taking the risks, suffering the criticism and abuse,
and making the REAL personal sacrifices. Wouldn't it be nice if we
had a HOLIDAY to remember and celebrate them!

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