Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pursuing the Same Failed Policies On Latin America & Brazil

Both U.S. Political Parties continue to believe that admitting U.S. foreign policy failures to the world is a sign of weakness. And God forbid that the U.S. appear as anything but the overarching strongman and cop to the rest of the world!

Yet the rest of the world continues to "talk behind the bully's back" about how "he" really is a weakling, because a power that is really strong would use "brains" first rather than "brawn."

Those countries south of the U.S. border know that the U.S. "drug war" started by Republican hero Ronald Reagan in 1981 has been a waste of billions (or now trillions!) of dollars in taxpayer money that could have lifted millions of citizens out of poverty.  Why didn't the U.S. learn anything from its 13 year history with Prohibition of alcoholic beverages between 1920 and 1933, when crime dramatically increased, revenue from taxes dramatically went down, and the Great Depression began, while prosecution of "scofflaws" was wasteful and ineffective.

Secondly, this same Ronald Reagan is lauded by Republicans as "ending the cold war," allegedly between the communist east and the capitalist west. Yet in 2012 we are still blacklisting Cuba and enforcing a ridiculous embargo while we are still stealing Cuban land to maintain a prison where torture is practiced in Guantanamo! Our neighbors to the south all see the hypocrisy in this, but the U.S. government doesn't have "the balls" to admit to this folly of more than a half century!

Next time there is a summit planned for the countries of the Americas, wouldn't it be a treat to see the United States be the only one who is excluded: kind of like "the bully made to sit in the corner by himself."

Oh can dream....   

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