Monday, March 5, 2012

The US will continue to do what it damn well pleases....

Two major headlines today were no surprise to this writer: 1)Attorney General Eric Holder says it is okay for the US Government to kill one of its own citizens if they are plotting a "terrorist attack," and 2)Obama assured Israeli demogogue Netanyahu that "we've got your back" on whatever is done to Iran.

These two bellicose nations: the US and Israel are always ready & willing to spend trillions of US taxpayer dollars to get their way through military force and intimidating bribery and blackmail, never caring how many MILLIONS of people suffer from their crimes. Since the new millenium began, even the pretenses of obeying international law, or the US Constitution, have been, piece by piece, stripped away.

Pre-emptive wars, assassinations, "acts of valor" strikes in any country at any time are a REALITY in 2012 with these "unbreakable bond" countries, as Obama calls them.

How strange it is that the COUNTRIES much of the world would call the greatest "terrorists," are so brazen to disregard their own actions and their terrible consequences, while reserving the right for themselves to say what individuals and groups throughout the world are "terrorists," and to make it a CRIME to even communicate with those who are blacklisted by them.

Do Americans ever wonder how many FEWER alleged "terrorists" they would have to worry about, if their government focused on making friends instead of enemies; celebrating different systems of government, rather than forcing uniformity; seeing other nations as equals, rather than slaves to US & Israeli ambitions???

1 comment:

  1. I think we're all concerned (& well aware) of this love-affair the US government has with its beloved "Israel". I do believe, under Arafat, the state had been recognized. And I go further to say that under Bush (I could be wrong) this "Israel" HAD TO BE RECOGNIZED, since then, as a "Jewish" state. This is where they made their big mistake. There is quite a disturbance among many of the Knesset just what this entails. Trouble is definitely going to be brewing for them - on that premise alone.

    As far as the US gov is concerned, this 'love affair', in my opinion, is closer to an unnatural obeisance.
